
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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How do I get a quote for service?

We’re happy to give you a free estimate. Call or email us today

How do you know what services we need when we’re not even sure?

When you talk with our team, it is our sole job to get to know you and determine what services make sense for you. In some cases, we are talking our clients down from all they think they need. We will look at what stage you are in your growth, your plans and goals for the coming year and years ahead, and what issues are most pressing. Not everyone needs everything right off the bat. We can take it slow and add services as they make sense, or simply support your current needs.

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your company and employee information, and payroll history (if any) for this year. Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your payroll requirements.

What types of businesses do you service?

We service all small to medium size businesses to big corporations including tech startups, telecommunication, manufactures, oil and gas, retail, services and more. Have unique needs? We are here to craft a solution that will work for your business.

Can I get a service demo?

HR Managed Service (Payroll, HRIS, and Recruitment) are available for a demo. Please provide your company details and we will contact you within 24 hours. Contact us to request a demo.

Can the service and software be customised as per my organization needs?

Yes, customization of existing features and new features can be added.

What size of a company would usually use HR Service?

Usage is not based upon the size of the company but on the need of the company.

Can I access Employee Self Service hub from my home computer?

Yes, you can access the Employee Self-Service huub from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser.

Is there a minimum contract period for cooperation with Abhitech?

The minimum contract period is adjusted to your needs. You can always stop the service by providing information about the termination of the service with a notice period of 30 days in advance

How does Abhitech ensure that our company data is always up-to-date & tidy?

All data in the Abhitech system must always be updated. We do a double process to ensure that:
1. The process for updating and data management is made by the Abhitech team based on the specific needs of each company to ensure the data is always updated and tidy

2, Every employee can update their data online. The inputted data will be validated automatically by the system and progress is always monitored by the Abhitech team

3. Abhitech team also performs QA and QC on the data provided by employees & companies. This is also done so that your company always meets HR compliance standards in accordance with Indonesian regulations.

If I want to get certain data or insights, do I have to request the Abhitech team?

You can immediately get the data at any time through the C-Portal. The link is on the Abhitech website

Who owns the data in Abhitech?

Of course yours. You can download all data at any time.

How do I use the self-service hub?

Self-Service Hub can be accessed by anyone who has registered (including employees and the Company’s HR/Management team) and can be used on various devices. Self-Service Hub link is on Abhitech Website

How does Abhitech ensure the security of our company's HR data in the Abhitech system?

All data in the Abhitech system is very safe. We do a double process to ensure that:
1. Operationally process: all procedures are ISO 9001 certified.
2. Technically process: all servers & database storage are managed in-house by Abhitech with international standard security supported by recognized technology suppliers.
3. All our staff with access to payroll data are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Only the authorized staff have access to your payroll data.

Does Abhitech provide services or software?

Our focus is on service but our service is also supported by ABI (Abhitech Business Intelligence) software

What industries and positions can Abhitech serve?

All industries and positions

Can Abhitech take care of A-Z outsourcing? Starting from recruitment, onboarding, payroll, to termination if needed?

Of course, most of our clients use this type of service. Please contact Abhitech team for further information.

Can Abhitech serve A-Z outsourcing but the employee contract is with us?

Sure! Some of our clients use HR Managed Service like that. Please contact Abhitech team for further information.

I have over 1,000 employees. Is this too many for Abhitech?

No. Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia. We can cater to any size company. We have many clients with over 1,000 employees that span many different provinces in Indonesia. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to maximise the business value of even the largest payroll while ensuring compliance along with our customer support.

I have only one employee. Is this too small to outsource your services?

Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia with employee numbers that range from 1 to over 1,000. We can cater to any size company. We have had many clients start with us with 1 employee and over the years they experienced significant growth to the point where they now employ over 100 individuals in various provinices. Our clients use the efficiencies and flexibility that we enable to help drive their business forward.

Is it more productive to outsource?

Yes. It is not just about all the time it takes to do the administration tasks, but when it is due to be done. At this time all other tasks take second place. Your staff could be working on solving a client’s problem or developing new business. Which type of work is more valuable?

How do I get a quote for service?

We’re happy to give you a free estimate. Call or email us today

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your company and employee information, and payroll history (if any) for this year. Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your payroll requirements.

Can the service and software be customised as per my organization needs?

Yes, customization of existing features and new features can be added.

What size of a company would usually use HR Service?

Usage is not based upon the size of the company but on the need of the company.

Can I access Employee Self Service hub from my home computer?

Yes, you can access the Employee Self-Service huub from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser.

What support will I get?

Every client is allocated a dedicated Payroll Profession who works on your payroll every time. They get to know all about your company and payroll requirements. We are always there at the end of a phone to answer any queries you may have.

What happens if we want to change something after the payroll has been run?

Once you have informed us of what changes need to be made, we will recalculate the payslip(s) that need to be changed and send you an updated set of reports.

How long does it take to set up a new payroll?

The duration varies, depending on the size of the payroll, the pay frequency, availability of information and other factors too. Generally speaking, you should allow 2-3 weeks. We would rather spend time getting it right, than rushing to get it in quickly. If you have a deadline however, we will happily work towards that.

What about Confidentiality?

By choosing Abhitech Payroll Service you are assured of total client confidentiality. We operate from a secure “cleanroom” environment accessible only to authorised personnel. We offer a personal high-quality service by providing you with one regular contact – your own Outsource Payroll Partner. All information must be directed through your designated authorised payroll representatives while e-mails are protected with one of the world’s leading encryption systems. Payslips are security sealed or password protected while our on-line service requires a user specific log-in and password for access.

Security and Data Protection are forefront at Abhitech. All of our staff are background checked before joining our team, those with access to data must sign and adhere to our Non-Disclosure Agreement. Our qualified and professional staff understand and adhere to all associated confidentiality issues, they are contracted to govern the unsolicited use of company information.

Will I still be in control of my Payroll?

Absolutely. Just because you outsource your payroll does not mean that you outsource control. As we process your payroll, we discuss variances, potential issues or opportunities for optimisation with you. Before we finalise the transfer of any funds to employee bank accounts, we require confirmation from you that you are happy for us to proceed. We will only accept changes to payroll with verification from you or your authorized representative. All data sent by e-mail is encrypted going to and from our offices. Our team work with you, in partnership, to ensure the most efficient outcomes with transparency throughout the process.

My payments to employees vary – some are paid weekly, some monthly, some are part-time or casual. Can I use Abhitech service with such a varied payroll?

We can cater to any number, payroll components, and combination of employees! Please feel free to contact us for a quotation here.

Do I have to wait until year end or can I start to outsource payroll during the year?

Continuity of your payroll is imperative. At Abhitech, we work with you to ensure a seamless transition. New clients join us every month so we develop an implementation plan for each business designed to avoid disruption and ensure a smooth transition. Depending on the size and frequency of your payroll, you can benefit from our outsource payroll service within days of contacting us. To discuss your payroll requirements contact us now.

Does outsourcing payroll cost more than doing it yourself?

In a word no. There’s a very good chance that you can save money by outsourcing your payroll operations. Do the math. Figure out how many hours your employees are devoting to payroll-related activities, calculate how much you’re spending and compare the amount to the plans offered by several payroll-services providers. Also, be sure to factor in the money your business spends on payroll software and other tasks like printing and distributing cheques, creating tax documents, and the like. You’ll probably be surprised by the result.

Can you track vacation and sick days?

Absolutely, simply provide us documentation on your plans and we will incorporate the calculation and tracking of accrued and taken Paid Time Off time each pay period.

How do I notify you of the changes to my payroll such as new employee?

You can either inform us via email/phone 3 days before payroll cut-off date

What are the cost of hiring payroll outsourcing service provider?

Payroll costs are based on many variables – number of employees, pay frequency and optional products/services. Therefore, each quotation is customized to fit the customer’s need.

What are the benefits of having payroll outsourcing service provider?

This can be a real benefit to a business as it reduces the administrative burdens and the risk of penalty and interest charges

What if we only want help starting from the payroll process to termination?

Our HR Managed Service is very open to adjustments to your needs. Contact us further.

I have over 1,000 employees. Is this too many for Abhitech?

No. Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia. We can cater to any size company. We have many clients with over 1,000 employees that span many different provinces in Indonesia. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to maximise the business value of even the largest payroll while ensuring compliance along with our customer support.

I have only one employee. Is this too small to outsource your services?

Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia with employee numbers that range from 1 to over 1,000. We can cater to any size company. We have had many clients start with us with 1 employee and over the years they experienced significant growth to the point where they now employ over 100 individuals in various provinices. Our clients use the efficiencies and flexibility that we enable to help drive their business forward.

Is it more productive to outsource?

Yes. It is not just about all the time it takes to do the administration tasks, but when it is due to be done. At this time all other tasks take second place. Your staff could be working on solving a client’s problem or developing new business. Which type of work is more valuable?

How do I get a quote for service?

We’re happy to give you a free estimate. Call or email us today

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your company and employee information, and payroll history (if any) for this year. Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your payroll requirements.

Can I get a service demo?

HR Managed Service (Payroll, HRIS, and Recruitment) are available for a demo. Please provide your company details and we will contact you within 24 hours. Contact us to request a demo.

Can the service and software be customised as per my organization needs?

Yes, customization of existing features and new features can be added.

What size of a company would usually use HR Service?

Usage is not based upon the size of the company but on the need of the company.

Can I access Employee Self Service hub from my home computer?

Yes, you can access the Employee Self-Service huub from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser.

I have over 1,000 employees. Is this too many for Abhitech?

No. Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia. We can cater to any size company. We have many clients with over 1,000 employees that span many different provinces in Indonesia. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to maximise the business value of even the largest payroll while ensuring compliance along with our customer support.

I have only one employee. Is this too small to outsource your services?

Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia with employee numbers that range from 1 to over 1,000. We can cater to any size company. We have had many clients start with us with 1 employee and over the years they experienced significant growth to the point where they now employ over 100 individuals in various provinices. Our clients use the efficiencies and flexibility that we enable to help drive their business forward.

Is it more productive to outsource?

Yes. It is not just about all the time it takes to do the administration tasks, but when it is due to be done. At this time all other tasks take second place. Your staff could be working on solving a client’s problem or developing new business. Which type of work is more valuable?

How do I get a quote for service?

We’re happy to give you a free estimate. Call or email us today

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your company and employee information, and payroll history (if any) for this year. Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your payroll requirements.

Can I get a service demo?

HR Managed Service (Payroll, HRIS, and Recruitment) are available for a demo. Please provide your company details and we will contact you within 24 hours. Contact us to request a demo.

Can the service and software be customised as per my organization needs?

Yes, customization of existing features and new features can be added.

What size of a company would usually use HR Service?

Usage is not based upon the size of the company but on the need of the company.

Can I access Employee Self Service hub from my home computer?

Yes, you can access the Employee Self-Service huub from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser.

Isnt it cheaper to build an internal recruitment team?

Internal solutions and their costs (management, overhead, etc.) make it difficult for you to adapt to the natural rises and falls in demand
Internal teams also face the costly challenge of upgrading with the latest innovations and keeping up with trends, which organizations that specialize in recruitment are better equipped to do
Comparing the affordability of Recruitment Service with internal recruitment teams involves much more than looking at monetary costs; you must look at the value that Recruitment Service bring by taking on specific functions so that your internal staff can optimize their workload by focusing on selection, onboarding and retention
They key is to find the balance between the internal team and Recruitment Serviceand use the optimal configuration of the two

How will Abhitech solution benefit my company?

1. Improved quality-of-hire: seasoned recruiters and progressive technology identify candidates who fit best into the role and organizational culture
2. Reduced time-to-hire with increased recruitment capacity and higher-quality candidates shortlisted with the help of advanced technology
3. Flexibility and scalability: tailor our services to your needs and easily increase or decrease recruitment support based on high- and low-volume periods
4. Cost reductions from a more optimized recruitment process, affordable addition of resources, and improved ability to fill openings

How can Abhitech Recruitment services lower recruitment costs and reduce time to hire?

Our clients gain a competitive advantage by eliminating fixed recruitment costs. In fact, they are expected to earn as much as 20-30% operational savings through an Abhitech Recruitment Outsourcing Service.

Recruitment outsourcing services give scalability for staffing firms to reduce recruitment costs by utilizing innovative recruiting strategies, rich databases, and competent recruiters that rarely a company internal’s recruitment team can provide.

Why should your organizations outsource the recruitment processes?

Here are several reasons why it’s beneficial for companies and recruitment firms to engage with Recruitment Outsourcing Service provider:

We have a clear set of standard recruitment processes. As candidates engage in several rounds of the interview process, there is increased transparency so that chances of partiality will be lowered.

Focus on the company’s growth
We can help in growing your company by executing strategic recruitment plans and building a strong recruitment workforce that will source top-notch candidates for your company.

Outsourced services to specialists
Our team are seasoned recruiters that are skilled in sourcing top-notch candidates for specific industries. Our technical expertise and recruitment network can help with shortlisting the most qualified candidate for your particular job opening.

Manage the entire recruitment process
We can easily manage job boards and update social media channels, but most of all, we can help stay in touch with potential candidates for you. Our innovative and efficient recruitment techniques can help improve your overall recruitment services.

How will Abhitech Recruitment service help my organization recruit top candidates?

We help your company by offloading the tedious tasks of the recruitment process, such as looking for profiles of passive candidates, vetting potential candidates, and managing Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). With their specialized recruitment expertise, our Recruitment service provider will save a significant amount of time for your recruitment efforts by pre-screening candidates on your behalf.

I have over 1,000 employees. Is this too many for Abhitech?

No. Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia. We can cater to any size company. We have many clients with over 1,000 employees that span many different provinces in Indonesia. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to maximise the business value of even the largest payroll while ensuring compliance along with our customer support.

I have only one employee. Is this too small to outsource your services?

Our client base varies vastly from corporate to SMEs in Indonesia with employee numbers that range from 1 to over 1,000. We can cater to any size company. We have had many clients start with us with 1 employee and over the years they experienced significant growth to the point where they now employ over 100 individuals in various provinices. Our clients use the efficiencies and flexibility that we enable to help drive their business forward.

Is it more productive to outsource?

Yes. It is not just about all the time it takes to do the administration tasks, but when it is due to be done. At this time all other tasks take second place. Your staff could be working on solving a client’s problem or developing new business. Which type of work is more valuable?

How do I get a quote for service?

We’re happy to give you a free estimate. Call or email us today

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your company and employee information, and payroll history (if any) for this year. Call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your payroll requirements.

Can I get a service demo?

HR Managed Service (Payroll, HRIS, and Recruitment) are available for a demo. Please provide your company details and we will contact you within 24 hours. Contact us to request a demo.

Can the service and software be customised as per my organization needs?

Yes, customization of existing features and new features can be added.

What size of a company would usually use HR Service?

Usage is not based upon the size of the company but on the need of the company.

Can I access Employee Self Service hub from my home computer?

Yes, you can access the Employee Self-Service huub from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser.