Indonesia recognizes a number of public holidays that are celebrated nationwide. Indonesia public holiday are a mix of religious, national, and cultural events. The official list of public holidays is determined by the government each year, and it generally includes 15 to 20 holidays.

Here is a comprehensive overview of the Indonesia public holidays:


Indonesia Public Holiday

  1. New Year’s Day (Tahun Baru Masehi)
  2. Chinese New Year (Tahun Baru Imlek)
  3. Nyepi (Hari Raya Nyepi)
  4. Good Friday (Jumat Agung)
  5. Eid al-Fitr (Hari Raya Idul Fitri)
  6. Vesak Day (Hari Raya Waisak)
  7. Ascension of Jesus Christ (Kenaikan Yesus Kristus)
  8. Pancasila Day (Hari Lahir Pancasila)
  9. Eid al-Adha (Hari Raya Idul Adha)
  10. Islamic New Year (Tahun Baru Islam)
  11. Independence Day (Hari Kemerdekaan)
  12. Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Maulid Nabi Muhammad)
  13. Christmas Day (Hari Raya Natal)
  14. Additional Collective Leave Days (Cuti Bersama)
    These are additional public holidays declared by the government, often linked to major religious holidays like Eid al-Fitr and Christmas. These days are intended to create long weekends and encourage family gatherings and tourism.


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Other Observances

1. Regional Holidays

  • In addition to national holidays, some regions in Indonesia observe local holidays based on regional cultural events or local government decisions.

2. Public Holidays for Specific Communities

  • Certain holidays may be more significant in regions with specific ethnic or religious populations, such as Chinese New Year in areas with large Chinese communities or Nyepi in Bali.


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Practical Implications for Employers

  1. Holiday Pay: Employees are generally entitled to a day off with pay on public holidays. If they are required to work, they are usually entitled to additional compensation.
  2. Planning: Employers need to plan around these holidays, particularly for operational continuity and staffing.
  3. Cuti Bersama: These collective leave days can impact business operations, and employers should communicate with employees regarding holiday schedules.




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In conclusion, Indonesia recognizes a comprehensive set of public holidays that reflect its cultural, religious, and national diversity. Employers and employees alike must be aware of these holidays to ensure proper observance and compliance with labor regulations.