Work visa with C-312 Applying for a work permit in Indonesia is mandatory for foreigners working in the country.

Quoting from Katadata According to the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (Ministry of Employment of the Republic of Indonesia) there will be more than one hundred thousand foreign workers in Indonesia in 2022.

The majority of these workers come from China and other countries such as India and the Philippines.

According to Expat, the work culture in Indonesia which tends to be more relaxed is good news for prospective expatriates. Of course, this is understandable because Indonesian people are famous for their friendliness and openness with other people.

However, being more relaxed does not mean not working at all, they are also diligent when working, again this really adapts to the context of the environment they are in.

Of course, there are many other reasons why you can work in Indonesia.

Such as: Low cost of living As of January 2022, The Economist noted that the Indonesian Big Mac Index was US$2.37 or the equivalent of IDR 34 thousand. This figure makes the Indonesian rupiah ranked 55th out of 57 countries. 31 May 2023.

Sponsor company signing guarantee letter for Work Visa C-312 in Indonesia,
Consultation on Work Visa C-312 requirements for Indonesia

Source Image: Freepik


Applying for a Work Permit in Indonesia is Mandatory for Foreigners Working in the Country

But of course, with all Indonesian hospitality, there are also limitations for those of you who want to work in Indonesia and for companies who want to employ foreigners.

We have discussed several types of visas in Indonesia that you can read here.

Especially if you are a foreigner who needs a temporary residence permit to work, then you need a C312 work visa.

What is a c312 work visa? Abhitech has previously discussed this in more depth here

in simple terms, A work visa is a permit that gives you the right to work and live in a country other than your country of residence.

If you already understand about visas to work in Indonesia, now you can understand the documents needed and requirements to get an Indonesian work visa. 

So that you can work as soon as possible in Indonesia without problems from regulations or immigration.

Sponsor company signing guarantee letter for Work Visa C-312 in Indonesia

Source image: Freepik


Understanding the Work Visa C-312

According to Imigrasi KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) is a limited stay permit for foreigners as well as expats who have to apply right before entering Indonesian territory.

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The Work Visa C-312 is designed specifically for foreign workers employed by Indonesian companies. It’s part of the KITAS system (Limited Stay Permit Card), a temporary stay permit for various purposes, including employment.


Key Documents Required for the Work Visa C-312 Application

Quoting from the website Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to obtain a C312 work visa to obtain a temporary residence permit in Indonesia for 1 year. You must prepare several documents:

1. Letter From Sponsor/Guarantor

This document is a guarantee from a company or individual in Indonesia that guarantees and supports the visa application process. The sponsor is legally responsible for your presence and activities while in Indonesia.

This guarantee letter shows the Indonesian authorities that there is a legal entity in the country that supports your presence and is responsible for you during your stay.

2. Passport Still Valid

The availability of a passport with a sufficient validity period is essential to ensure that you do not experience legal problems during your stay in Indonesia.

3. Minimum Bank Account Balance of $1500 or equal

Financial proof, usually a minimum bank balance of $1500 or equivalent, is required to guarantee your financial capabilities while in Indonesia.

4. Recommendation Letter from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower

This document is an approval from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia which shows that you have fulfilled all the requirements to work in Indonesia.

5. Visa Approval from Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi

This approval is given by the Directorate General of Immigration after all application documents are received and approved.

Approval from the Directorate General of Immigration is the final stage in the visa application process, where you are officially allowed to enter Indonesia and work.

6. 2 passport photos (4×6).

Two recent photographs of you, usually measuring 4×6 cm, are required as part of the visa application.

Notes :

*If you are a Sponsor, then you can apply for Visa Approval via the online application immigration website in Indonesia

If you come to Indonesia not only to work but also to invest, Abhitech has created an article about the KITAS C313 Investor Visa here

Close-up of Work Visa C-312 documents and passport for Indonesia

Source image: Freepik


Step-by-Step Process to Apply for Work Visa C-312

1. Submission of Application: The hiring company in Indonesia must apply on behalf of the foreign worker to the Ministry of Manpower.

2. Approval from the Ministry of Manpower: Once approved, the application will be forwarded to the Directorate General of Immigration for visa issuance.

3. Collection of the Visa: The foreign worker can collect the visa from the Indonesian embassy or consulate in their home country.

4. Arrival in Indonesia: Upon arrival, the foreign worker must report to the immigration office to activate the KITAS.


Tips for a Smooth Application Process

1. Double-check all documents: Ensure all your documents are complete and accurate before submission.

2. Work closely with your employer: They play a crucial role in the application process and can provide valuable assistance.

3. Understand Indonesian regulations: Familiarize yourself with Indonesian employment laws to ensure compliance.

4. Work with a trusted agent.


Living and Working in Indonesia as an Expat

Indonesia offers a unique experience for expatriates. From navigating local customs to enjoying the natural beauty, there’s much to explore. Here are a few tips for living in Indonesia as an expat:

1. Learn the language: While English is widely spoken in business environments, learning Bahasa Indonesia can enhance your daily life and interactions. you can learn the basics in this Wikihow article.

Expand Your Business in Indonesia with 100% Compliance

2. Cultural adaptation: Respect and adapt to local customs and traditions to integrate smoothly into your new environment.

According to Indonesians generally prefer indirect and harmonious communication. Politeness and avoiding confrontation or disagreement are cultural norms.

3. Network with other expats: Join expat communities for support and advice on living and working in Indonesia. For more info, you can check this article



Securing a Work Visa C-312 is critical for foreigners wishing to work in Indonesia. By preparing the necessary documents and understanding the requirements, you can ensure a successful application process. Welcome to Indonesia, where opportunities and adventures await.

Key Takeaways Regarding KITAS in Indonesia Securing Residency Status in Indonesia 

Navigating the process of obtaining a work permit and visa in Indonesia can be a daunting task. With various regulations and requirements to comply with. When you engage an agent’s services, you streamline the process, which often becomes complicated and time-consuming

Abhitech is a trusted and experienced formality service provider that offers comprehensive EOR services in Indonesia, including expert guidance for obtaining an Indonesia Work Permit (RPTKA) and an Indonesia Working Visa (KITAS/ITAS).