Saturday, 2nd May 2015

The Grand Opening of Graha Abhitech

Abhitech is delighted to celebrate the twenty- fifth anniversary by announcing the new office building Graha Abhitech is now officially open.

Abhitech has moved to a new and bigger office space in the business complex of Sunter Agung Podomoro. The exquisite six- floors building will allow the employees to grow leaps and bounds in the coming years. The facilities at the new office aim to provide the right environment for collaborative work to ensure the growth of our company. This includes numerous meeting rooms equipped with the latest technology for teamwork and presentations, a function hall for multi-purpose events and a dining hall where lunch is served for all of the employees to enjoy and socialize.

The grand opening celebration began with slamatan ceremony and informative presentation on the company’s core values and growth by the founder Arief Karnadi. After the official ceremony, employees bonded with family and friends over delicious buffet lunch followed by singing and dancing. It was truly a great day dedicated to celebrating Abhitech achievements with our support systems over the years.